Don't be a Barbie. Be a Boss.
1 hour
About the Course
As females, we've been preconditioned to be "lady like". Barbie was once the quintessential female. What women should aspire to look like, be like, act like. We should be quite, dainty, content, complacent and have whispers as dreams. In essence, we should be inanimate objects, like Barbie.
In this master class we will through these preconceived Barbie notions out the window. Ef that! We're so much more than what society and norms try to define us. The goal of this course is to empower attendees by breaking down old-school thought patterns, envisioning the future you and becoming a boss. In this session we will:
Explore what it means to be a modern woman
Identify areas in our life, both personal and professional, that are holding us back
Strategize on how to break free of these limitations, with a particular focus on self-imposed limitations
Create a plan to boss up and take charge of our future
Your Instructor
Jen Prado