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Empowering Female Leaders Adiante!
5 min read
Perfection or just plain ol' Procrastination?
I've never liked doing anything half ass. Actually, if I can't do something to the best of my ability, I'd rather not even bother. I'm...
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5 min read
Marie Kondo'ing Emotional Stuff
I used to think that depression was a rich person problem. That only if you had the time and money were you allowed to wallow. It was a luxu
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5 min read
How to Say Goodbye?
My entire life I've avoided getting too close to people, simply because I knew they'd disappoint me. Either they wouldn't show up when I...
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5 min read
The Act of Support
Why do small businesses go out of business and what can you do to help? The short answer is support. How many times have you walked past...
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6 min read
Four Locos, Rivets and Seeing the World
How little screws are the key to flying above the clouds! I love traveling! I love the excitement and anticipation of getting on a plane,...
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5 min read
If Nothing Happens - It's the Czech Way
How a trip to a far distant country changed my perspective on THE PLAN... The 5 Year Plan. The dreaded 5 Year Plan. Why do we need one?...
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2 min read
The Modern Day Renaissance Woman
Let's be anything we want to be. Let's dream. Let's push social norms. Let's make waves! Why is that only men can have it all? Or at...
120 views0 comments
3 min read
What's a Girl to Wear?
Clean lines. Jeans. Cut-offs. Sneakers. Crisp White Tee... These are a few of my favorite things. I love all things athleisure! Stretchy...
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4 min read
I'm More Than Just a ...
Why are we defined by what we do? Let's challenge that and be more than just a.. After throwing gasoline on my career and lighting a...
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