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Empowering Female Leaders Adiante!
2 min read
Thin Mints and the Rise of the Pink Ghetto
Are Girl Scout cookies keeping the pink ghetto alive? Let's empower our young girls to become tech-savvy entrepreneurs...
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5 min read
The Pink Ghetto
How the "Pink Ghetto" phenomenon perpetuates stereotypes and holds women back in certain fields, including Mrs.Fields, cookies and all.
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6 min read
The Face of an Entrepreneur
What does an entrepreneur look like? Are they young? Are they old? What are their traits? How do they dress? How do they speak? What's...
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3 min read
See Me, I Say!
Have you ever embarked on a journey that now seems impossible? A journey that at once you were excited about? A journey that at first...
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7 min read
When the Grasshopper Speaks
The past few months have been extremely difficult. I haven't talked about it as much as I should, since frankly re-living trauma just...
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7 min read
Don't Die in the Land of Potential
How many times have you said to yourself, "I could totally do that, if only <insert thing that is stopping you>" Now, let's take this...
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7 min read
The Fiery Journey from Corporate to Entrepreneurship
The fiery journey from corporate America to entrepreneurship and the importance of taking risks in search of something more...
71 views2 comments
7 min read
My First Valentine
I hate Valentine's Day! There, I said it. I've never been a huge fan of the big V-day, where people spend a boat load of money on flowers...
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5 min read
Saying "no" should be the new "yes"
Saying "no" can be extremely difficult, especially if you're a woman. Growing up, the word "no" was barely in my vocabulary...
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6 min read
Sell Yourself
How many times have you thought you weren't good enough? How many times have you second guessed your life choices?
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5 min read
Happiness Leeches
Do you have a friend, a family member or an acquittance that every time you see them you cringe? Are they constantly complaining about...
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4 min read
Into the Unknown
It's so scary doing something new. From starting a new job to booking that long awaited vacation to the other side of the world. There's som
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4 min read
To the Women of Afghanistan
Imagine if seemingly overnight everything you've worked for your entire life is gone. All of the hours spent studying for that degree....
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4 min read
Catch a Mansplainer
This one may be a controversial topic, the act of Mansplaining. Before I dive into this story, let's define what is Mansplaining?
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5 min read
Your Inner Hamilton
There's an Alexander Hamilton in every one of us. That scrappy, resourceful, tenacious and dreamer self. That fire...
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